Nakamoto AMA Summary Recap with Shin Chan Community

12 min readSep 29, 2021


We held a live AMA with CEO, Chawalit Rugsasri (Tor) from Nakamoto.Games on 29th September 6:00 PM (UTC+8). Here’s the recap for those who missed it.


Mika | Shin Chan: Hello, Before AMA start, can you introduce yourselves and the team background?

Tor|Nakamoto: Nakamoto Games is a play-to-earn gaming platform offering multiple fun and addictive crypto games. The platform will bring massive earning opportunities to both gamers and non-gamers as we expect crypto gaming will continue to grow.

We aim to attract both gamers and game developers. Developers will also have the tools to launch their own gaming creations on the platform. We are building an entire ecosystem for play-to-earn games, not just a single game.

Michelle | Nakamoto: For now we are the one and only with this approach.

Tor|Nakamoto: Nakamoto Games itself is releasing new play to earn games on a frequent basis. Gamers will always have new releases to choose from, it never gets boring. On top of the in-house releases, third party developers are incentivized to plug-in their games via our SDK and increase the number of games launched on our platform. As for our team, we have a core team of seven which have exemplary experience across the fields of gaming, blockchain development, project management, crypto research, and marketing.

Michelle | Nakamoto: I guess it’s very important to frequently release new games. Users always find something new for them in that way.

Everybody is able to find something for themselves on our platform.

Tor|Nakamoto: The main team leaders hold over a decade of combined experiences working and operating some of the biggest agencies in Thailand. Another seven people are currently full time employed at Nakamoto Games. On top of that, another 16 people are working part time on Nakamoto Games.

I’m the CEO and my background is in development. I’ve operated a white label Ethereum development agency which worked with some of the most successful decentralized gaming applications. Our CMO has worked with one of the most prestigious mobile application companies in Thailand and specializes in the marketing field for both crypto and non-crypto space. Our COO is a highly skilled project manager who has deep experience working with large-scale real estate and IT infrastructure. Beyond the C-Level executives, Nakamoto Games has a highly accomplished development team and a lead researcher whose work has been cited in some of the most respected academic journals.

Michelle | Nakamoto: Plus the whole team are gamers, means they know what other gamers want.

Tor|Nakamoto: Let me add also that so overall we combine power in tech, crypto space, business development and marketing. Anyone can have an idea but bringing it into reality or success is another story. We’re equipped with a very strong team. It’s important to have diverse skill sets that each of us has different strengths to make a good team.

Mika | Shin Chan: Is there any other update/news from Nakamoto that is needed to be kept in view at the current moment?

Michelle | Nakamoto: Testnet launch together with the listing!

We are not a paper project, we do have the tech built and release it very soon. Also the mainnet rolls out early November.

You know yourself how far away most mainnets are in other projects.

We’ll keep everybody here we’ll updated about the development.

And looking forward to see each and everyone of you as players on our platform soon.

Everything about Nakamoto Games is wonderful. We’ll revolutionize the P2E Space!

Tor|Nakamoto: Totally, we keep our communities updated with progress, announcements and collaboration

Michelle | Nakamoto: Plus surprises!

Tor|Nakamoto: Definitely, after all, we are building a P2E GAMING platform

AMA Twitter Section Begins:

Q1. I read that the $NAKA token is the heart of the #NAKAMOTO gaming ecosystem and it says we need to use $NAKA to participate in your every game. So 1st tell us where & how we can obtain $NAKA? How many tokens do we need to play? And can you discuss your gameplay mechanics?

Tor|Nakamoto: Good one, The $NAKA token is the heart of our #gaming eco-system. ☺️
🧑‍🌾 Farm: Stake $NAKA
👨‍💼 Governance: Hold $NAKA and vote.
⛽️ Fuel: Use $NAKA to participate in #Games.
🏆 Daily Rewards: Play and Earn $NAKA after each #game.
💰 Developer Benefit: Instant Monetization through $NAKA.

You’re able to acquire NAKA on the exchange once it’s listed. The first game we’ll launch is Duck Hunter. To play Duck Hunter you need ammunition, this ammunition is exchanged for NAKA. All NAKA spent on ammunition is pooled to a prize pool and distributed to the winners straight after each game. The game economics are based on a “fair chance model” which means that everybody can participate, small or big wallet that doesn’t matter. The time in Duck Hunter is limited to 60 seconds, in 60 seconds you can maximum spend 4–5$ for ammunition, 4–5$ everybody can afford to play with. This should answer your question well.

Michelle | Nakamoto: What is Nakamoto Games? We can easily be defined in three words!

🔎 Choose — from a broad variety of games!

🎮 Play — through various levels accomplishing tasks!

💸 Earn — your share from each prize pool straight after the game!

Join the $NAKA Revolution!

Q2. Nakamoto Games is a Play to Earn platform that will offer a variety of games. But speaking of said games and their playability, on what platforms will users be able to enjoy them? Will they be only for PCs and Browsers or will users be able to play from their phones too?

Tor|Nakamoto: Our first games are all web-based games but fully compatible for mobile phones. That means you can enjoy the games on the desktop and on your mobile phone. Next year, we’ll roll out mobile phone focused games with different core functionalities for mobile gamers.

Michelle | Nakamoto: Plus there are other things coming in phase two!

Like a gaming launchpad and multiplayer games.

Q3. In terms of community, there is still a large audience in the gaming world who are not aware of the crypto and blockchain industry. What is #NakamotoGames’ plan to reach out to these people and make your voice heard by all gamers?

Tor|Nakamoto: We do work with local communities especially in Southeast Asia. SEA is currently the most viral spot for play-to-earn gaming with huge growth in countries like The Philippines, Vietnam, and Thailand. We’re currently actively onboarding famous gamers from these regions to become ambassadors. These ambassadors have huge followings and on-board as well the non-crypto crowd. Everybody is able to create an additional source of income with our platform, that reason alone makes new people joining the play to earn revolution.

As well, we will continue bringing in more games and functionalities to grow and sustain the platform and its users. Our 360-degree marketing plan includes releasing updates that will keep our community and users interested and onboard non crypto people. And naturally, we work with top-tier influencers that will keep educating their communities about our platform. Our socials are very strong across all different platforms, I’m sure you realized the engagement we have on Twitter.

Currently we have Thai, Chinese and Italian groups to discuss the project. Very exciting!

Michelle | Nakamoto: Yes, the engagement on all our socials is super super high. We do receive over 1000 likes per tweet and started our TikTok Campaign yesterday. So far over 200K views!

Our first content on TikTok went live!

Mika | Shin Chan: heavy marketing is already in place, very interesting

Michelle | Nakamoto: Check this out! We’ll go viral!

Tor|Nakamoto: Not just numbers of likes, we are thrilled to see overwhelming engagement from our supporters.

Michelle | Nakamoto: We do have two very well known TikTok agencies helping us reaching 5–6 Million people. Everything will be huuuuuuge!

Tor|Nakamoto: it’s marketing and tech uniqueness

Q4. I see NAKAMOTO has a new Advisor at the moment, Evan Luthra — a young Billionaire leader from the Moguls. So may I ask, Could you please tell us how he came to NAKAMOTO Game and how his technical expertise & leadership skills could be added so that you vote for him?

Tor|Nakamoto: We on-boarded advisors that aligned with the project’s vision and work with us on a long-term basis. Key marketing advisors are Lester Lim, Evan Luthra and Ash WSB. I’m sure everybody is aware of these high-profile names in the crypto currency space. They recently helped with the incubation and marketing of Star Atlas and many other very successful Gaming projects. Please check their full profiles out on our website. Two additional key advisors include KVESTOR and Tomek Kos.

Please have a look on our on-boarding announcement of Evan Luthra, there you can find many more details about him and his abilities to help us:

Mika | Shin Chan: evan is with you guys wow his a very influential person

Tor|Nakamoto: Evan Luthra is well connected in the tech scene and will open us doors to exchanges, marketing outlets and other important contacts we need. Further he has a social following of over 5 Million people, that will bring a lot of attention to Nakamoto Games.

Michelle | Nakamoto: That’s very very important, we only work with people having a long term view and a long term mindset on our vision.

Q5. Are there any barriers to $NAKA’s entry into this business, given the quick growth of NFT and GameFi? What are your plans to maximize market potential and compete with other NFT exchanges like CryptoPunks, Anxie Infinity, Cool Cats, and others?

Tor|Nakamoto: We do offer permission-less access, a broad suite of games, instant rewards, earning opportunities for developers and having a gaming launchpad on a later stage, that are the major key points of our eco-system. We do address everybody, all our games are structured in that way that the chance is the same for everybody, means people with a bigger wallet have no advantage over the ones with smaller pockets. What makes playing on our platform fun is the immediate satisfaction as players get rewarded straight after the game.

Players can build a sustainable source of income via Nakamoto Games, playing is possible 24/7. Compared to other we do offer a wide selection of games instead of just one game. Our testnet will launch with the listing and our mainnet goes live early November, that means we’re ready to compete with the current players very soon.

Michelle | Nakamoto: What is a major major difference guys is that we are launching our testnet now and the mainnet in November. Most other current crypto projects will launch in 6–18 months! The first mover always wins!

Mika | Shin Chan: gamers can earn income from only gaming this is very interesting

Michelle | Nakamoto: Absolutely, that’s why we are doing that. We’ll offer everyone on the world a fair chance to build a sustainable income through our platform. We’ll change the world for better with our approach.

Mika | Shin Chan: so everyone can start playing and earning from November onwards?

Michelle | Nakamoto: 100%! Everybody!

We’ll change people’s life’s, upgrade the living standard of people in third world countries etc! We are here to give back to people.

Mika | Shin Chan: cant wait to earn from it =)

Live AMA Begins:

Q6. Partnerships are the key to the success of projects, Can you tell us about Nakamoto current partnership and upcoming partnerships?

Tor|Nakamoto: We have secured partnerships with game development companies which are yet to be revealed! On top of that a major announcement addressing the question is to be made this week.
Currently, we have already partnered with some of the biggest venture capital companies in the cryptocurrency space. These VC have committed funding and long-term incubation support to accelerate the growth of Nakamoto Games. See the full list from

Q7. Transparent Deflationary Dynamics, is an advancement of the Project today. Does the NAKA Token have a deflationary dynamics plan with a share of each weekly prize pool? Or have you been doing this plan for a long time?

Michelle | Nakamoto: We’ll frequently burn a share of each distributed prize pool. That means, the more games being played on our platform, the more prize pools are being distributed and the more NAKA is burned.

While more NAKA is burned, the demand for NAKA increases too as NAKA is needed to play any game on the platform.

Isn’t that a superb token utility? You can judge yourself where the price will go or what the performance will be.

Q8. I see in your Team line there is the name “KVESTOR” can you tell us who exactly is KVESTOR? what is its role in the development of your project?

Tor|Nakamoto: KVESTOR is the founder and CEO of one of Asia’s most respected cryptocurrency venture capital companies. VYSYN Ventures has provided early-stage funding and incubation services to some of the most successful projects in the cryptocurrency industry. KVESTOR helps Nakamoto Games maximize their resources and scale to become a leader in the play-to-earn gaming niche.

Q9. IS your platform suitable for Crypto beginners? Or does it only appeal to professional users?

Tor|Nakamoto: Good Question! Our platform is built for everybody! You’ll find tutorial videos on how to use the platform addressing total beginners.

To use the platform is simple, you create and account, connect your Web3 Wallet and play. Very straightforward.

Q10. Do you have AUDIT credentials or are you attempting to AUDIT your project in order to make it more safe and reliable? Could you please elaborate it?

Michelle | Nakamoto: We’ll do several audits, the first audit is currently already in process. We’ll keep doing audits on a frequent basis with the growth and development of our platform.

Tor|Nakamoto: Absolutely, we pay massive attention to security with internal and external teams. We will be audited multiple times from multiple parties.

Q11. Is NAKAMOTO solely for gamers because it’s a game-based project? What about users who aren’t gamers? Is it possible for them to earn money even if they don’t play your game? Is it possible for investors to profit by owning $NAKA tokens in the long run?

Tor|Nakamoto: This is a very very good question! We’ll align with a partner very soon who offers another chance for people who don’t game and who can’t develop to make money on our platform. Announcement to come!

Q12. Revenue is an important aspect for all projects to survive and maintain the project / company. What is the way to generate profit / revenue of token? What is the income model?

Michelle | Nakamoto: To generate revenue a share of each prize pool is distributed back for the development of the platform.

Q13. Many new project fall because they Don’t pay attention what user want. So what Nakamoto doing to satisfy users? Do you guys take any feedback?

Tor|Nakamoto: We DO! That’s exactly what we focus on — building engaging community, listening to needs of users and investors along with our research and development team. We consider target audiences like crypto gamers, traditional games and non-gamers. So easy interface is implemented for everyone.

Q14. What about the NAKA token governance? Do you conduct voting on new proposals or structure of pools?

Michelle | Nakamoto: Good question, yes, overall voting will be on proposals addressing the way the platform grows and economics are structured.

Q15. Can you tell us about the $NAKA coin, what are its main functions and utilities? Why do we need the $NAKA coin on the Nakamoto Games platform? What is the place of the $NAKA coin in your ecosystem?

Michelle | Nakamoto: The $NAKA token is the heart of our #gaming eco-system.

🧑‍🌾 Farm: Stake $NAKA

👨‍💼 Governance: Hold $NAKA and vote.

⛽️ Fuel: Use $NAKA to participate in #Games.

🏆 Daily Rewards: Play and Earn $NAKA after each #game.

💰 Developer Benefit: Instant Monetization through $NAKA.

Q16. You mentioned Players compete for weekly prize pools and lucrative rewards. How to win the weekly prize pools and lucrative rewards? and also what kind of Prize will players get?

Michelle | Nakamoto: Each prize pool is distributed straight after each game. The TOP 3 Player share 75% of the prize pool, the winner gets 50%. The remaining 25% are shared between the rest of the players, the platform and a part is burned. The total prize pool is the total amount of NAKA spent by players for each game.

Q17. Duck Hunters will be a dynamic shooting game. Users must load ammunition through the purchase of NAKA native tokens. Does this mean that if there are 30 ammunition, users must buy 30 tokens for each shot? Could you explain this process a little bit?

Tor|Nakamoto: Great question, yes, players will purchase ammunition in the internal marketplace, your bullets have certain value and price, so you should be careful how are you shooting. If you buy 30 bullets and kill 25 ducks but miss 2 — that means you still have 3 bullets left, that you can use in another game.

Q18. What’s the Algorithms which are used by Nakamoto Games for fast and scalable transactions ?

Tor|Nakamoto: The answer is Polygon, second layer of Etherum. Super cheap transaction and fast in execution. We are working very closely with Polygon team as well and we are super pleased.


