REALY AMA Summary Recap with Shin Chan Community

11 min readNov 24, 2021


We held a live AMA with CMO, Yomiko from REALY on 24th November 9:00 PM (UTC+8). Here’s the recap for those who missed it.


Mika | Shin Chan: Before AMA start, can you introduce yourselves and the team background?

Yomiko: Hello everyone, I am yomiko, CMO of REALY. I have served as the market leader for many good projects, such as oraclechain, marlin, tidal, fio, findora, etc.

Mika | Shin Chan: wow such great experience, can u also tell us more about REALY ?

Yomiko: REALY started incorporating anti-counterfeiting NFT chips into physical collectibles since 2018. We have recently branched into NFT and Metaverse. REALY Metaverse will focus on bringing street culture, artists, and street culture. It will be launched with AAA graphics and will be on the Solana chain. Our investors include Alameda Research, Multicoin, Three Arrows Capital, District0x and many others.

As background information, our founder is a co-founder of INNERSECT, the international street culture exhibition in Shanghai, since 2017, with deep new luxury brand connections. Our recent collaborations include Cactus Jack (Travis Scott) and Revenge Clothing (Los Angeles).

Mika | Shin Chan: Do u have any upcoming news or events that the community need to keep an eye on?

Yomiko: Our whitelist competition is going on now, you can check our twitter for details and soon we will launch a patch of NFTs for realy metaverse which will mainly be virtual clothing. Also, our virtual concert is coming soon.

Mika | Shin Chan:

Twitter Section Begins:

Q1: There will be a lot of different Metaverses coming soon like Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta, so I want to know, how will Realy be able to compete to attract a large number of users on the internet? What plans or strategies will you have to help users entertain in your Metaverse?

Yomiko: REALY Metaverse is developed through the Unreal Engine, it will be a virtual city comparable to 3A games.

We mainly focus on street culture and will issue NFTs including fashion branded items, art toys, rap music pieces, graffiti arts, and items/IPs with skateboarding and many other street culture elements. We will also have many collaborations with celebrities and famous names.

The core feature of REALY Metaverse is parallel to real life. Experience Rapper’s shows in virtual concerts, dance with your friends, you can also have a career, find new interests, opportunities inside the metaverse and rekindle your life, etc.

Q2: In my opinion, the most fun blockchain games to play and have perfect tokenomics can lead the GameFi competition in the future. Would you feel pressure if traditional gaming industry leaders decided to enter the “arena” and start working on Blockchain Games?

Yomiko: we do feel pressure but it’s also a huge motivation for the whole team to move forward really fast. We didn’t count on one thing to have a position in this market. We need new challenges, it can come from ourselves and it often comes from our competitors. So we have to learn fast, to evolve fast so meet the expectation of our users. it’s blockchain, we start our project here for challenges.

so, yes we do feel pressure but we’re prepared.

Q3: A Bearache Merch Store will be opened in the Metaverse. Will it be possible to create my own clothes, accessories and other things (like Sandbox) to sell in this store? If it will be possible to sell my NFT items, what are the conditions?

Yomiko: REALY metaverse aims ultimately have user-generated contents (which will include NFTs) seamlessly connecting with a team created virtual world; we want users to be able to have a second life here, create, interact and earn through their creativities which would not be limited by just clothing; but this will be the next item on the roadmap right now we are focusing on growing community and having IPs events onboard first and the launching; but it is definitely an important element of our metaverse going forward.

Q4: Let me ask, what three distinguishing characteristics of Realy Official that set it apart from the competition? What is the most confident competitive advantage that your platform has?

Yomiko: (1) our deep traditional cultural brands’ connections, we aim to focus on getting famous names non crypto users might already be familiar with onboard to expand the crypto ecosystem as a whole and attract the brands’ fan base;
(2) our AAA quality graphics and the fact that we are on Solana chain with high TPS;
(3) our city planning mechanism which aims to mimic the real world in terms of interaction and governance

Q5: A few days ago you at Realy announced the update of your website. Exactly what changes did you introduce in your website? What new features and information will we be able to access through it?
Thank you!

Yomiko: Our official website is:
The upgrade of REALY’s official website mainly includes the addition of its RealyMetaverse display section, trading market entry, and the entry of its first pet NFTBearache project.

In the UI, this upgrade of REALY’s official website adopts a more beautiful and clear design, highlighting the display of virtual characters and virtual concerts in the meta universe; in terms of function, it integrates the trading market and the first pet NFTBearache project. Optimize the fluency of user experience.

Mika | ShinChan: thank you for all the answers before we move on to our live ama, i bet the community would like to know more about realy

Q1. What is REALY Metaverse?

Yomiko: As we already mentioned a little about realy metaverse before. It is developed through the Unreal Engine, it will be a virtual city comparable to 3A games.
We mainly focus on street culture and will issue NFTs including fashion branded items, art toys, rap music pieces, graffiti arts, and items/IPs with skateboarding and many other street culture elements. We will also have many collaborations with celebrities and famous names.
The REALY metaverse merges the virtual with the physical, seamlessly connecting your virtual and real-world life.

It might be easier to understand if I share with you some snapshots of the REALY metaverse:

Later, we will upgrade the Bearaches (our highly anticipated limited edition NFTs releasing this week for sale) to 3D versions, and it will become the virtual pet in Metaverse, which will be the first, limited edition functional virtual pet NFTs in REALY metaverse, a status symbol of users’ metaverse identities.
More details, We will announce the cooperation with a music godfather, he will release the first Nft with realy, and these Nfts will be collected in the gallery of realymetaverse.

Mika | ShinChan: Thank you for sharing Realy Metaverse, and on to our next question.

Q2: What’s the difference among REALY Metaverse, Sandbox, and Decentraland?

Yomiko: Let’s take the virtual real estate (core products of the metaverse) as an example. Metaverse like Sandbox and Decentraland, their land blocks are virtually and visually isolated. Users cannot access their land block by building and walking on connecting roads like they would in real life or 3A RPG games.

In comparison, REALY metaverse was built with hyper-real 3D city life in mind, adopting the urban planning and the Japanese “metabolism” theory as the core ideologies. The REALY metaverse will be born with commercial value logic with extra attention to users’ overall metaverse experience. For example, users can build roads and connect their virtual real estate such as lands, shops and residences together.Q3: What types of NFT releases will REALY metaverse have?

Mika | ShinChan: lets move on to our next question =)

Q3: What types of NFT releases will REALY metaverse have?

Yomiko: Digital fashion items, 3D art toys, virtual sneakers, music pieces and crypto arts will be the key NFT categories. We have also established official collaborations with well-known fashion brands like Revenge, Cactus Jack, and some well-known art toy brands like Doraemon, Snoopy, Instinctoy, and some well-known musicians and artists, we will release their virtual or physical NFTs in time.

All of these NFTs will be able to be worn on users’ avatars, displayed in their digital home, and traded in the gallery and market places. Some NFTs will also become usable equipment in the metaverse, such as skateboards, cars, and spaceships could be used as transportation tools in the metaverse. NFTs with additional features include other NFTs such as users’ virtual pets (our Bearaches).

Mika | ShinChan: In order to know more about this. Next question is

Q4: What are the most distinctive and advantageous aspects of REALY?

Yomiko: Our core advantages and characteristics are limited edition and REALY only avatars of collaboration artists and KOLs, virtual functional products, virtual concerts, which brings in brands and artists collaboration, and so on, truly merging city life and street culture into the metaverse.

Towards the non-crypto users, we can bring them to our metaverse through their favorite celebrities and KOLs’ collaboration events. We have already signed some rappers, artists and KOLs in China and the United States, and will gradually launch exclusive virtual concerts, exhibitions and exclusive NFTs for them. Please stay tuned for these.

Q5: Many of our members might be interested, Why can realy get investment from so many top institutions,such as Multicoin Capital, Alameda Research, Three Arrows Capital, and many more.

Yomiko: First of all, the recognition of our top organizations must be based on the product, vision, team, etc. We actually have a lot of things that can be displayed, such as virtual clothing, avater; and the game itself has been made for more than a year, and it is expected that next year Q1 can be launched on the PC terminal; I believe that doing everything well is one of the reasons for the approval of the organization.

Mika | ShinChan:

Q6: So do we have the opportunity to participate in Realy Metaverse now?

Yomiko: Of course. The most simple and direct way is realy’s whitelist contest, pls focus on our Twitter. btw, get a bearache can have the airdrop.

Each Bearache also contain a VIP membership of the REALY Metaverse, and Bearache holders will have numerous exclusive membership benefits, including priority rights for limited NFTs.

Q7: Will REALY launch tokens? What is the Tokenomics?

Yomiko: REALY will issue metaverse’s governance token — REAL. The REAL token’s tokenomic focuses on two aspects:

One is to incentivize the operators of metaverse’s lands and shops, who will get REAL tokens according to numbers of active users and trading volume on their lands or shops. The more active land owners will get more airspace and underground development rights, all towards building a hyper-real functional 3D city.

The second aspect is community governance. REALY Metaverse will be a democratic virtual community, all decisions related to users’ interests should be decided by votes of users. Further, the right of construction of each land parcel will be granted to the land parcel owner. Hence, where land parcel owners can together vote for decisions on structures circumventing multiple land parcels with different owners. Stakeholders can participate in voting by staking their corresponding REAL tokens.

We will officially launch IDO at the end of this month. which is REALLY SOON, please stay tuned.

Mika | ShinChan: On to the last question for this segment!

Q8: What are the future plans of Realy?


Telegram Live AMA Begins:

Q6: How can I buy Bearache, can you explain in simple sentences, what do I need to own Bearache? Does Bearache have its own wallet, or which wallets will you support and we will be able to view the bear?

Yomiko: Bearache official website:
View & buy one-stop. We soon will launch our own wallet but for now, metamask will do.

share 2 for your reference.

Q7: Too many projects promise magic but never release any working product or prove any revenue, Within a short/long time of release. Is your project also like this? If not can u tell us, What makes your project different from other projects?

Yomiko: If you ever join our community, you know how frequently we release our new product: bearaches, virtual clothing, soon virtual concert. And our APP REALY. those are all our products and there will be more in future.

Q8: Can you share with us the Roadmap of REALY?
What are you aiming for in long term?
Can we see a community driven Roadmap?

Yomiko: roadmap shared. Owning bearaches can get airdrops that’s what we’ve promised. And soon actions about what a community driven project we are will coming out. Watch out!

Q9: REALY aims to hit the crypto non-fungible token (NFT) community and bring real-world wealth into the chain. Would you use a language other than English? Where does not use English language?

Yomiko: English, Italian, Chinese, Spanish, French… as we expend, more languages will be added soon.

Q10: Does your project support staking program?if yes. how is your stake system work, what is the requirement for user if they want to stake in your platform?

Yomiko: there will be and you will know in time.

Q11: Which chain are you using right now BSC or Polygon?

Yomiko: Solana hah

Q12: 🧨 I saw REALY Metaverse will be build on the Solana blockchain. So, why did you decided to use Solana for this instead of any other blockchain such as Ethereum or BSC? What advantages does Solana provide to your Metaverse? Also, any plans on having a multichain Metaverse service?

🧨 It caught my attention that REALY will have it’s own “VIRTUAL CITY”, can you tell us more about it? Is it based on any real city of the world? What kind of things will we be able to do on this VIRTUAL CITY and how? Also, how can we join this city? What do we need to do for it?

Yomiko: we believe solana has huge potential with its TPS which would enable many features feasible for a metamask; further the solana ecosystem is not just growing very fast but they protocols are also super tight family and helpful towards each other; but we are also open for ideas/collab with other chains/protocols as we believe in the crypto big fam as a whole and growing together.
we did lots of research to design this city, it is different from any existed city in this world but it feels real. as we mentioned, join concert, keep pets, work for your own interests, organize battles and buy virtual clothing to dress up you avatar, etc. it has multiple ways to join the city, depends on how involved you want it to be. Owning an avatar will be the most encouraged way to experience realy metaverse.

Q13: NFT is a hot topic right now, but NFT isn’t just for art. Does your project think there will be many NFT use cases? Why should we take NFT seriously?

Yomiko: NFT is a hot topic right now, but NFT isn’t just for art. Does your project think there will be many NFT use cases? Why should we take NFT seriously?

Q14: My question is the Really specifically for gamers? What about non-gamer users? Can they still generate income even without playing your game? Isn’t it true that you can’t play this game without a token? What is the most prevalent scenario for the use of your token?

Yomiko: not just for gamers, for example, owning a bearache get airdrops. owning, trading, creating all will share the value of this ecosystem when those actions generates value meanwhile.

- End-

