Sentre AMA Summary Recap with Shin Chan Community

10 min readJan 10, 2022


We held a live AMA with Marketing Leader, Eden from Sentre on 10th January 2022, 9:00 PM (UTC+8). Here’s the recap for those who missed it.


Serene | Shin Chan: Before we start our AMA, can you briefly tell us what is Sentre?

Eden: Yes, of course

Sentre is an OPEN liquidity protocol built on Solana

Our vision is to create an All-in-One Solana Open Platform with DApps Store and Universal Protocol for Liquidity; altogether become a Safe Haven for DeFi developers and users.

Sentre includes:

Sen Hub (SenOs) — The Open Platform for DApps: Developers and Partners can deliver DApps through Sen Store, fully use available resources and contribute to the platform with no restrictions.

SenSwap — The Liquidity Accumulator: A Solana-based AMM with an user-friendly interface and various tech-advanced features

Serene | Shin Chan: Can you tell us some outstanding features of Senswap?

Eden: Senswap is the most friendly and helpful AMM. I will list some outstanding features below:

  • The Triad Pool : it’s optional and allows LPs to concentrate the token in a single pool with 3 tokens)
    - Asymmetric Deposit : allowing one-sided pooling and auto liquidity distribution)
    - Sen Booster: Allow Liquidity Provider can sell their LP token and buy SNTR with a discount price
    - Yield Farming for liquidity bootstrapping
    - Cross-chain Liquidity: natively support Wormhole v2
    - Adaptive Fee Model (impermanent loss minimized)

you can experience Senswap here:

Serene | Shin Chan: Thats great. What makes Sentre different from others and what can be compared in valuation?

Eden: That’s great question.

I may divide the current market into two segments:

One is a Programmable environment and the other is an OPEN environment

In a programmable environment, you can develop your DApps on top of other platforms. But you’ll never be a native function on them

You also have to find liquidity, do marketing stuff, call fundraising if needed, pay a lot of services to run your DApps.

And all seem too expensive and impossible for individuals or small teams.

The open environment is different when you can completely use the current resource and contribute to the mother platform without any restriction.

By these explanations, I think most platforms now are programmable ones while Sentre is open and doesn’t have a direct competitor.

But if you want to compare Sentre to other AMM, we also have a lot of great features I listed above

Serene | Shin Chan: Can you give us a quick introduction about the core team ?

Eden: There are 16 members in Sen Team and 5 of them are in the core team.

Our Founder is Mr. Tu Phan who is a talent Developer, with a lot of achievements:

  1. The Second Prize Solana’s Inaugural Hackathon, 2020.
    2. The Second Prize Tomochain Hackathon, 2019.
    3. The First Runner-up State of Chain Hackathon, 2018.
    4. Mentor KO (Kambria Online) Hackathon, 2021
    5. Examiner Kambria Quiz/Code Challenge Series, 2020.
    6. Mentor #1 Vietnam Blockathon, 2017.

And Sen Team is one of the very few teams in Vietnam that can build projects on Solana.

Serene | Shin Chan: Awesome team. Let`s now talk about the milestones you have achieved so far and about your upcoming plans?

Eden: Up till now, we launched our mainet and token on 17th January, listed our token $SNTR on and Sentre DEX on 23th.

And most recently, we’ve just released Sentre V2 a few days ago

We’re very happy when our Version 2 has a lot of positive feedback from users. Here is the update on Sentre v2:

✅ NEW Light/Dark themes
✅ NEW Guides for Devs on
✅ NEW Sandbox for DApp integration test
✅ NEW Sen LP feature: SEN BOOSTER (Up to 140% boost)
✅ NEW Cross-chain Bridge on Sen Swap & Sen Assets (Ethereum-Solana)
✅ ADVANCED Protection for Sen Swap
✅ NEW Pool & Farm filters
✅ ENHANCE decentralization & performance for the platform

Beside that, Retroactive Airdrop Event of Sentre is still ongoing.
2,000,000 SEN will be distributed to IDO Participants, Liquidity Providers and Traders.


Read more here:

About the upcoming: 💥

  • We will release many Liquidity Pool to increase the TVL
    - Kick-off the First Sen Booster: 22th Jan
    - Kick-off Golden Month Campaign: There is an event that will take place on Sentre every 3 days from 12th — 31th January
    - New Exchange listing (Optional)

Twitter Section Begins:

Q1: What brings innovation to your ecosystem the new feature of Sen LP: Sen Booster? What is Sen Booster and what makes it attractive among other investment options? explain

Eden: yeah. Sen Booster is a new feature in Sen LP, just released in Sentre v2

Sen Booster is the process of trading the LP token to the protocol for SNTR. Sentre offers an amount of SNTR (more SNTR than you’d get on the market) and a vesting period for the trade

It is important to know: when you create your Booster, you are giving up your LP token.

LPT (LP token) is a token you receive when you provide liquidity to Sentre. Until now, there are 3 uses cases of LPT:

  1. Hold LPT (don’t do anything) to receive LP rewards
    2. Stake LPT on Sen Farming to earn more SNTR
    3. Boost LPT: Sell your LPT to buy SNTR at a lower price than market price (get more SNTR)

💢SO, what makes it attractive among other investment options?

For a certain period of time (usually 7 days, 15 days or 30 days), Sen Booster makes the Liquidity Providers get more SNTR than Sen Farming.

❗️But it carries more risk, because users will sell tokens rather than deposit their tokens to receive SNTR.

Q2: I looked on your official website and Telegram but couldn’t find anything about Partners, which we all know is the backbone of any successful project. Could you tell us more about the Sentre partnership? What benefits may we anticipate from the collaboration?

Eden: Actually, we published the information about Partnership, just keeping the backer information because of our TVL strategy.

you can easy find it on our Twitter

About Sentre Partners, I divide into 2 types of partners:

  1. Product Integration Partners: the Product/Project will integrate with Sentre and displayed on Sen Store

2. Other Partners: Marketing Partners, Financial Partners, Legal Partners, Technical Partners,…

There are few Partners that we have announced till now:

Coin98, Slope Finance, Parrot Protocol, Sypool (Solana Asset Management), Seeded (Solana Lending Protocol), Gate Labs…

and some Media Partners: Token Hunter, Coin68, Trade Coin Vietnam, Infinity Gainz, Altcoin Alert,..

Q3: Sentre is an open platform “all in one # of Solana and a universal protocol for liquidity. What does it include and what is the breadth of this” all in one “concept? What are the benefits it will bring to investors?

Eden: With Sen Hub, Developers and Partners can deliver DApps through Sen Store, fully use available resources and contribute to the platform with no restrictions

We built the AMM first to create the resource (liquidity, users) to distribute to other products on Sentre

Beside the products/features built by Sen Labs, there are other products from Community Developers and Sentre’s Partners on Sentre.

And we won’t just stop at the AMM. In the future, Sentre will expand to other fields such as: Asset Management, Derivatives, Lending & Borrowing, Insurance, NFT,…

That’s the All-in-one concept we want to aim for.

❤️About the benefit:

For users, they can experience the entire Defi Word in the single platform

For investors, when the ecosystem will expand rapidly, so SNTR will have more use cases and increase it value → Investor will get more benefit

For Developers, they can build and develop their project easily on Sentre

Q4: I see some others dApps built by Community on Sen store (Bulk Sender and Pokadex). What are features of them?

Eden: With Sen Hub, Developers and Partners can deliver DApps through Sen Store

Bulk Sender is an DApp that helps users send the token to many different wallet addresses, you can also import a list and send it in 1 time only.

Pokadex is just a fun game without any highlight features, but it shows what you can do on Sentre

Let’s wait for a interested game to be displayed on Senstore in future

Q5: According to what I’ve read, Sentre uses the concept of Asymmetric Deposit. What exactly is this concept? What is the procedure?

Eden: Usually, the Liquidity Provider must have at least 2 kinds of token (a pair) to deposit in a pool, example: USDC — SNTR.

But sometimes, they only have 1 single token.

The Asymmetric Deposit was built to solve this issue. This feature allows Liquidity Providers to deposit 1 side token.

Example: when you deposit token A in the pool A-B, the Asymmetric Deposit will swap your half amount of token A to token B, and then deposit them to the pool.

That’s how it work

Telegram Live AMA Begins:

Q6: From January 12 to January 31, I read on your twitter that Sentizens will be introduced to a new event every three days. If possible, please elaborate on it further? What are the next events? What are the benefits that Sentizens might derive from this event?

Eden : Thanks for following us. From January 12 to January 31, the Golden Month Campaign will take place on Sentre. It’s a series events, include 8 different events

Every 3 days, there is an Event will take place on Sentre.

They can be:
- A reward event
- New Pool Release
- New feature Release

This is an campaign you don’t want to miss, because it can make you rich with a lot of rewards and chance to earn more

Q7: You recently released Sentre V2.0 last January 7. In this case, what will happen to V1 of the project? Will it co-exist with the newer version or will it be dissolved to pave a larger way of users to V2.0? What are their noticeable differences?

Eden : You still use the V1 if you want. But we suggest users use Sentre V2. Because V2 has many updates and the higher performance

Details here:
✅ NEW Light/Dark themes
✅ NEW Guides for Devs on
✅ NEW Sandbox for DApp integration test
✅ NEW Sen LP feature: SEN BOOSTER (Up to 140% boost)
✅ NEW Cross-chain Bridge on Sen Swap & Sen Assets (Ethereum-Solana)
✅ ADVANCED Protection for Sen Swap
✅ NEW Pool & Farm filters
✅ ENHANCE decentralization & performance for the platform

Q8: I Found That You have Launched the RETROACTIVE AIRDROP PROGRAM , May I know How Can I Participate In this and What
Various Rewards Will be Given to the Users Who Succesfuly Participate In this ?

Eden : There are 2,000,000 $SNTR will be airdrop in Retroactive Campaign

💵 600,000 will be distributed to IDO Participants (IDO was over)
💵 1,000,000 $SNTR to liquidity providers: All deposits from US$100 will receive an amount proportional to their contribution volume.

💵 400,000 $SNTR to our traders, including:
● 200,000 $SNTR divided equally to those with a total exchange value from US$1000 to US$10,000.
● 200,000 $SNTR divided equally to those with the total exchange value going over US$10,000.

So at this time, you can get rewards token by Deposit in Sen LP or trade on Senswap

Q9: Do you have other communities other than English and do you have any plans for creating ambassador program for reaching more people?

Eden : Beside, English COmmunity. Sentre also has Vietnam Community and Indonesia Community

You can ask the link of these group on Sentre Global Channel, @sentre

Q10: $SEN is the original token of #Sentre which has 1,000,000,000 SEN fixed, Can You Tell More Details About Tokenomics $SEN ?
I Read Sentre has a buy back and build system.
why do you ‘make’ not ‘burn’? Will most of the supply be used to support community and community projects?

Eden : Yes, Instead of buy back and burn, Sentre proceed the method Buy back and Make

With any swapped pair, the fee can be easily transformed into $SEN. Then, instead of burning them away, these fees are collected and automatically transmitted to other SEN-based services.

We choose “Make” instead of “burn”, because it bring more value to users than

Q11: Any incentives or aidrop is planned for success of V1 to V2? Do you provide incentives to liquidity provide? If yes is it weekly basis or daily or hourly?

Eden : After release Sentre V2, we receive a lot of positive feedback from community. So, we will continue update some interested features that we plan, beside that we will kick off more marketing activity and listing on new exchanges

Q12: What did you do to make adoption a reality, social and real use cases??

Eden : We’re trying to create a value product to users, the real value

We listen to them to improve our product and create more function to solve their problems. We also spend our money to support when they make a mistake a lost their money

Our strategy is expand our Ecosystem rapidly, and increase more use cases for our token

It will complete the Defi experience of users

Q13: I was looking at your whitepaper and I found a comparison of Sentre with Uniswap and Pancakeswap. Can you tell us more about this? In what ways are you better than these popular exchanges and over other competitors?

Eden : Compare with Uniswap or pancakeswap. Sentre and both of them also have the AMM

But Uniswap and Pancake is the programmable environment. You can display your DApps on the top of these platform, but you never be a native function

Sentre is Open. The difference is you you can completely use the current resource and contribute to the mother platform without any restriction.

Q14: Who can create/add a liquidity pool in Sentre? Can any user add or it is determined by team?

Eden : The pool in Sentre is the permissionless pool. That’s mean anyone can create the pool. It’s the same concept with Pancake, Uniswap, Raydium…

Liquidity can create the pool, put the rewards to this pool to attract other people deposited. So they can get the LP rewards

We devide the pool in Sen Farm into 2 kinds of poo: Sentre Pool and Community Pool

Sentre Pool is created by Sen Team

Community Pool is create by Community

Users need to know clearly before deposit to the pool

Q15: Since NFT is popular nowadays, is there a plan for NFT integration?

Eden : Yes, We have the plan for NFT in the future. It can be a product built by Sen Labs or a integrated product from Community developers or Our Partners

It can be a game,NFT Market place, or something else that related to NFT. I can’t confirm at this time

But yes. We have a plan for NFT

- End -



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